Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Moc Radio Responce

1- I really liked this story because it was really interesting and it was very funny.  I also liked how it had some profanity.

2-Yes, their is a difference. The officers talk to Cleveland with a bad manner. When they talk to Noah, they talk to him politly.

3-Noah is all nervous because he thinks Cleveland is going get arrested. Clevend is trying to play it off; he pretends that he does'nt care.

4-The officer felt something fishy about Clevelend and Noah.

5-When the  officer talked to Noah's mom. The officers needed a white women to believe.

6-I think she chose to compare and contrast  This story because it was related to "To Kill A Mockingbird" in the way that both stories talk about racism and the kid Noah is kind of like Scout because there both racise.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I think it was good and bad simultaneously. I say it was good because Lennie was getting George in a lot of trouble each time they went to go get a job. For example when they were at Weed Lennie toughed this girls red dress and when she told her to stop he never listen so he kept holding on to it. Then she went to go tell on him so all the men that works there were going after him with there guns but Goerge and Lennie left   before  anything happen to one of them.  Also, know that George killed Lennie he can work peacefully in his job without Lennie distracting him or getting him in trouble. Another example for this reason is that when Lennie was around he always distracted him by talking about the rabbits. It's bad because Lennie was George's best friend. They have always been together since Lennie's aunt Clare died. George had to be responsible for Lennie. This is is why i say it's good and bad that George killed Lennie.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reality vs. Ideal

Will to be honest i really dont like school but if i had to choose what is my favorite thing of school i would choose gym and English. I choose gym because i play my favorite subject which is soccer. I also picked English class because I have Mrs. Edwards and she is so funny and she thought my cousin too. What i dislike about school is basically everything but the most thing i dislike is that during our lunch break we're not aloud to use our phones and when that's basically our free time. Also i don't like that we can't go to McDonalds or any other places during lunch! I don't really agree with does policy of the school.
 If I was the principal of the school i would of make a lot off changes. For example i would change the rule of using our phones and to go out and eat during lunch. I would also give like three or five more minutes untail the late bell rings for next period. I would have more teachers that are more helpful and that would understand the students better. I say school should be more fun and interstaning but at the same time a educational appertunity.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog Entry #3

I disagree with this action. I say this because its really hurtful to the dogs and only cause they are not human being it does not mean that they don't have feelings too! Also, Carlson should of asked candy if it was okay to kill his dog.  No it is not okay to shoot a dog because its a living thing. Imagine some one shot you for no reason. This is why in my opinion i say it was wrong of shooting the dog.